April is Autism Awareness/Acceptance Month

Now, I know that it has been known as Autism Awareness Month for as long as I can remember, and now, I heard that they were trying to change it into Autism Acceptance Month. to be honest, I like the term “acceptance,” but “awareness” is still needed. I mean, the word “awareness” is not a bad word to use; it means knowledge and understanding that something is happening or exists. Autism has been exist for a long time, and some people didn’t think about it, like, someone called them slow, off, or the “R” word, and I still dislike that word with great passion.

When I’m getting to know someone, I always tell them that I am an Autistic young woman and okay with that fact. There was a 60/40 chance that they accept that is who I am and still want me in their life. The 40 % chance is when I try to date, so far. The point that I’m trying to make is that I do want people to accept Autism as a part of me, and it’s not going to charge that, but I also want people to be aware that Autism is not something to be fixed, and there are different levels of Autism, like myself and my brother. We all have strengths and weaknesses, just like everyone. We just more different than others. I’m okay that I’m autistic and my friends and my family accept me and my disability.

So, I hope everyone is alright, be safe, and please, wear a mask. Also, Be kind, accept, and support the autism community. Have a good day!